New Layout for MyRofo and Property Search

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We’ve cleaned up the MyRofo account area to simplify the navigation and make it easier to access data and information.

MyRofo is now split into 4 key areas with a 5th section called ‘company tools’ due out in about a week. We also simplified the nav by eliminating the horizontal navigation and organizing by function in the left column.


This is where you manage subscriptions, your profile information, your company profile (if you have permissions), email and alert settings for leads, and messages sent and received on Rofo.


This the area where you can manage all active data and posts on Rofo including property listings, leads received, projects you’ve completed ( this can be news, recent tours, completed client engagements), and any active commercial real estate requirements that you are working on and want to publish for possible solutions.


This include an Active Tenant Search where you can identify active deals in the market and connect. And we’re also now introducing Property Search. This is a professional grade listing and building search function that presents results in a no nonsense grid-like format. It organizes results with basic property data and shows key contacts for those listings. It’s less of a consumer facing search (no maps and basic UI) making it really efficient for someone in the real estate field. This search function is a clone of a Rofo admin tool that a client saw and wanted access to it. One powerful/convenient farrier is the key word search. Now you can quickly search by company, agent, listing ID, etc.

Other Marketing Tools:

This is a tool box where we’ll be adding a lot of great features in addition to the existing widgets and third party app integration.

Company Tools:

This section is on the way within the week. It’s enterprise grade functionality for companies large and small. Great for a marketer, manager or research professional. Initial tools include team/user management, user permissions, listings import and export, lead management and routing. We’re very excited to role this out after having in beta with a few customers. Think enterprise CRM meets listing management system. We’ll publish full details when it’s live.

Thanks and happy leasing.

Written by The Rofo Team

February 10th, 2014 at 8:13 am

Posted in General